For it's compact size, this thing is a real animal!!! A tennis ball shot straight up in the air with one of these little monsters will almost go out of sight. Both chambers are filled simultaneously with one Schrader valve. The modified, pneumatically actuated, sprinkler valves are paralleled together to a single trigger valve so the valves both open at exactly the same time. The end result......big performance without the big size. (or price) On a lighter note, during the filming of one of my local media appearances.........I managed to blast a tennis ball off the tree in my back yard, and ...well..... it bounced back in an unexpected fashion and took out one of the windows in my shop. OOPS!!!!!!!!! And yes, it ended up on the 6 O'clock news!!

Side view of the launcher.

Looking at the "business end". The hose connecting the chambers alows both chambers to be charged at the same time.

The back end of the launcher.

Looking at the under-side of it.

Compact....Yet quite powerful!!!
document created 7/7/2002 11:08:28 PM;
last modified 8/29/2008 8:22:03 PM