Please select a product from the left side or click on a picture. (More launchers to be added)
PVC Combustion Spudgun PVC Combustion Spudgun
Check out how a traditional (combustion) spudgun can be configured online then shipped to you door in as little as one day! (depending on my work load...
SP93xx Air Cannon SP93xx Air Cannon
Guaranteed to be the envy of that neighbor that always has to be better that you!!!! The SGTC Model SP93XX Air Cannon. My most popular High-Power air ...
The SP9004 The SP9004
Move over Plastic... Now, time to get serious. Several summers ago (1996 I think) Ed Goldmann sat down and set out on a journey; He needed more, and p...
Mega-Launcher II/Tornado simulator Mega-Launcher II/Tornado simulator
Behold!! The second generation "Mega-Launcher". And yes it is for sale. The $3500 price tag will include a 4" SCH 40 barrel (as shown below) and a ...
Low Power Pneumatic Launchers Low Power Pneumatic Launchers
THE SGTC LP SERIES, LINE OF PNEUMATIC TENNIS BALL AND SPUD LAUNCHERS. Due to the overwhelming success of the TBL500LP low power tennis ball launcher, ...
TSL2500 T-Shirt Launcher TSL2500 T-Shirt Launcher
The next generation T-shirt launcher. The TSL2500!! Built over-and-under configuration with a 1.75:1 4"x36" chamber, 3" x 3' long T-shirt barrel, de...
The SGTC Mega-Launcher The SGTC Mega-Launcher
Finally......After many months of collecting dust in my shop, the "Mega-Launcher" has actually been taken out and tested. And HOLY S**T does it ever p...
Basic Pneumatic Launcher Sale Item Basic Pneumatic Launcher Sale Item
Special offer!!!! Limited time only!!This item features a 3" x 12" air chamber, 2" Sch 80 smoothbore barrel w/muzzle knife, and a modified sprinkler ...
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ThunderpipeFX1 ThunderpipeFX1
I will add more to this page soon but you can click HERE to see how this little monster has been used.Or go HERE to see more....
Rapid Fire Carnival Cannon Rapid Fire Carnival Cannon
More info to come but this is my latest creation. This is a bolt action, breech loading, Tennis ball cannon that when hooked up to a high volume air ...